

Document Language


712 documents found

Date Topic Subtopic Title Language Type
24.10.2019 Flyers Product overview Flyer - SPAX Nouveautés (05/2020)
French PDF
(6.1 MB)
24.10.2019 Flyers Product overview Flyer - SPAX Nieuwe Producten (05/2020)
Dutch PDF
(6.11 MB)
19.09.2019 Other Product overview SPAX product catalogue compact 2020
Dutch PDF
(43.73 MB)
18.09.2019 Other Product overview SPAX product catalogue 2019 B (09/2018)
German PDF
(24.27 MB)
18.09.2019 Product brochures Product overview Product leaflet - SPAX Timber construction Full thread
German PDF
(5.08 MB)
21.08.2019 Archiv Forms Over rafter insulation input form using pavatex insulating materials (08/2019)
Rewriteable service request PDF to calculate over rafter insulation with SPAX and pavatex insulating materials
German PDF
(1.33 MB)
21.08.2019 Technical information Forms Over rafter insulation input form using HOMATHERM insulating materials (08/2019)
Rewriteable service request PDF to calculate over rafter insulation with SPAX and HOMATHERM insulating materials
German PDF
(1.31 MB)
21.08.2019 Technical information Forms Over rafter insulation input form using STEICO insulating materials (08/2019)
Rewriteable service request PDF to calculate over rafter insulation with SPAX and STEICO insulating materials
German PDF
(4.68 MB)
21.08.2019 Technical information Forms Over rafter insulation input form using SCHNEIDER insulating materials (08/2019)
Rewriteable service request PDF to calculate over rafter insulation with SPAX and SCHNEIDER insulating materials
German PDF
(1.74 MB)
21.08.2019 Technical information Forms Over rafter insulation input form using ROCKWOOL insulating materials (08/2019)
Rewriteable service request PDF to calculate over rafter insulation with SPAX and ROCKWOOL insulating materials
German PDF
(1.41 MB)
21.08.2019 Technical information Forms Over rafter insulation input form using GUTEX insulating materials (08/2019)
Rewriteable service request PDF to calculate over rafter insulation with SPAX and GUTEX insulating materials
German PDF
(1.66 MB)
21.08.2019 Technical information Forms Over rafter insulation input form (08/2019)
Rewriteable service request PDF to calculate over rafter insulation with SPAX
German PDF
(924.62 KB)
19.08.2019 Product brochures Miscellaneous Datenblatt SPAX Dübel-Haltewerte
German PDF
(503.43 KB)
22.07.2019 Certification/ Approvals Declaration of Performance (DoP) Декларация за експлоатационни показатели № DoP 2 (07/2019)
Регламент относно строителните продукти (ЕС) № 305/2011 референтен № ETA-16/0617
Bulgarian PDF
(684.67 KB)
22.07.2019 Certification/ Approvals Declaration of Performance (DoP) Prohlášení o vlastnostech č. DoP 2 (07/2019)
Podle Nařízení o stavebních výrobcích (BauPVO) (EU) č. 305/2011, ref. č. ETA-16/0617
Czech PDF
(591.25 KB)
22.07.2019 Certification/ Approvals Declaration of Performance (DoP) Leistungserklärung Nr. DoP 2 (07/2019)
Gemäß der Bauproduktenverordnung (BauPVO) (EU) Nr. 305/2011, Ref.-Nr. ETA-16/0617
German PDF
(589.17 KB)
22.07.2019 Certification/ Approvals Declaration of Performance (DoP) Ydeevnedeklaration nr. DoP 2 (07/2019)
Iht. Byggevareforordningen (CPR) (EU) nr. 305/2011, ref.-nr. ETA-16/0617
Danish PDF
(588.98 KB)
22.07.2019 Certification/ Approvals Declaration of Performance (DoP) Δήλωση απόδοσης Αρ. DoP 2 (07/2019)
Σύμφωνα με τον κανονισμό για δομικά προϊόντα (CPR) (ΕΕ) Αρ. 305/2011, Αρ. Αναφ. ETA-16/0617
Greek PDF
(684.27 KB)
22.07.2019 Certification/ Approvals Declaration of Performance (DoP) Declaration of performance no. DoP 2 (07/2019)
In accordance with the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) (EU) No. 305/2011, ref. no. ETA-16/0617
English PDF
(588.26 KB)
22.07.2019 Certification/ Approvals Declaration of Performance (DoP) Declaración de rendimiento n.º DoP 2 (07/2019)
De acuerdo con el reglamento de productos de construcción (RPC) (UE) n.º 305/2011, n.º ref. ETA16/0617
Spanish PDF
(592.35 KB)